Dynamic modeling and control of marine systems

Project description:

Marine robotics has become an important research topic, with applications ranging from subsea oil and gas, construction, military and archaeological intervention, to deep sea specimen collection. Over the years, my group has focused on better understanding the behavior of marine robots, with an emphasis on underwater manipulators and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). The primary aspects of our research are designing physics-based and data-driven modeling techniques for such systems as well as robust and energy efficient control theories. Research in the area of constrained dynamic modeling, recursive representations, optimal  control, and nonlinear control systems have been investigated. Work in this area has been funded by DARPA and National Science Foundation.

Team members:

Edward Morgan, PhD Student in Mechanical Engineering, LSU, Email: emorg31@lsu.edu, Personal websites: https://www.edwardmorgan.ml/me, https://www.linkedin.com/in/edward-morgan-b30ab387/
Matthew Snellgrove, Research Associate in Mechanical Engineering, LSU, Email: msnell5@lsu.edu

Previous team mebers:

Ignacio Carlucho (Postdoctoral Fellow in Mechanical Engineering, LSU 2020-2021)
Dylan Stephens (BS in Electrical Engineering, LSU 2021)

Selected Publications:

[1] E. Morga, I. Carlucho, W. Ard, C. Barbalata,  “Autonomous Underwater Manipulation: Current Trends in Dynamics, Control, Planning, Perception, and Future Directions” in Current Robotics Reports, Springer
[2] I. Carlucho, D. W. Stephens, and C. Barbalata, “An adaptive data-driven controller for underwater manipulators with variable payload,” Applied Ocean Research, vol. 113, p. 102 726, 2021
[3] J. S. Willners, I. Carlucho, T. Luczy ́nski, S. Katagiri, C. Lemoine, J. Roe, D. Stephens, S. Xu, Y. Carreno, `E. Pairet, C. Barbalata, Y. Petillot, and S. Wang, “From market-ready ROVs to low-cost AUVs,” in IEEE/MTS Oceans Porto, 2021.
[4] I. Carlucho, M. De Paula, C. Barbalata, and G. Acosta, “A reinforcement learning control approach for underwater manipulation under position and torque constraints,” in IEEE/MTS Oceans Global, 2020.
[5] C. Barbalata, M. W. Dunnigan, and Y. Petillot, “Position/force operational space control for under-water manipulation,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 100, pp. 150–159, 2018.
